About Thomson Reuters Ventures

Investing in enduring companies forging the future of enterprise technology
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Our values

Thomson Reuters Ventures has a targeted market focus, making us a highly credible and valuable strategic partner for emerging start-ups. We take an active approach to investing, working alongside founders to accelerate growth. Whether that be through facilitating connections, working on proof of concepts to integrate with Thomson Reuters technology, or exploring partnership opportunities within the firm, we work across a variety of our teams to best support our portfolio companies. 

Hear from our
Managing Director

Thomson Reuters Ventures invests in the next frontier of enterprise technology. As long-term investors, we seek to accelerate the trajectory of forward-thinking founders and support breakthrough innovations.

Tamara Steffens

Managing Director

Why work withThomson Reuters Ventures?

An illustration of a door outlined in orange.

Market Access

Leveraging our deep customer relationships and reputation as an industry leader to connect you with customers and relevant markets.

An illustration of a light bulb outlined in orange.

Expert Insights

Harnessing decades of industry expertise to provide valuable guidance as you build.

An illustration of a knight chess piece outlined in orange.

Strategic Support

Accessing our portfolio of industry leading products, content, data, and APIs to accelerate your growth.

An illustration of a group of outlined people in orange.


Actively participating in the startup ecosystem to connect founders, investors, and customers.

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